
Burning Eyes and How To Reduce its Symptoms

Our eyes are always working to help us see everything around us. Therefore, they are prone to several issues that can affect vision. So it becomes important to ensure any vision issues or problems while seeing or viewing objects, irrespective of the distance they have been placed.

It is estimated that around 1.3 billion people suffer from vision issues or impairment. Hence, it becomes even more important to understand the issues of burning eyes. All the causes and ways to reduce the issue of an individual’s eye burning can be understood and addressed properly.

Definition of Burning Eyes

The eyes, as an organ, are the most hardworking in the entire body since they help you see. Therefore, it is important to understand the definition of burning eyes, as it will help get the necessary treatment from the eye care provider. So, burning eyes is defined as the sensation felt in the eyes, which is often accompanied by the feeling of irritation or scratchiness.

It can be caused due to a wide range of sources in the surrounding environment or exposure to blue light emitted by digital devices. Other reasons that can be attributed while trying to answer the question of why are my eyes burning could be due to allergies, weather issues, or other reasons. Apart from the above, any serious illness can cause the issue of eyes burning.

Causes of  Burning Eyes

Burning eyes can be a result of many things. For example, it can be caused by dust, smoke, allergens, contact lens wear, etc.

The symptoms of burning eyes are usually red and sore eyes with tears that make the sensation worse. Other symptoms include watery eyes, pain in the eye area, crusting around the eye area, discharge from the eye area, and more. The reason for this condition is due to allergies.

  1. Dry Eye Syndrome

Dry Eye Syndrome is an illness in which your tear production decreases, and the tears don’t contain enough oils to keep your eyes moist. As a result, it leads to dry, irritated eyes. There are many causes of dry eye syndrome, but often it is due to a medical condition.

  1. Sensitive Eyes

It is another common cause of burning eyes caused by a dry, itchy, or rough eye surface. The most common cause of this is contact lens wearing.

  1. Allergies and Inflammation

Dry skin, allergies, and other conditions that reduce the amount of moisture in your body can also lead to a dry eye surface which causes burning sensations. Also, environmental allergens like pollen, smoke, and dust can be a valid reason for the feeling of eyes burning.

  1. Fatigued Eyes

Among the many reasons that cause burning eyes, looking at digital screens for long hours can also be a valid reason. Additional symptoms that can cause vision issues along with eyes burning can be sensitivity to light, double vision, and more.

Additionally, vision issues like ocular rosacea, pterygium, and conjunctivitis can also be a reason for the issue of eyes burning. In such situations, getting a professional eye care provider is necessary to ensure that burning eyes and their symptoms are reduced immediately.

Symptoms of Burning Eyes

With the definition of eyes burning mentioned previously, it is important to ensure that the symptoms of burning eyes are correctly identified. It will be useful for the professional eye care provider, as they can provide the most suitable method of treatment for the individual having vision issues due to eyes burning. Here are the symptoms that are the main reason for an individual suffering from eyes burning:

  1. Sudden changes in vision
  2. Light sensitivity
  3. Severe pain in the eyes
  4. Watery eyes
  5. Bloodshot eyes

Some other additional reasons that can be identified as the symptoms of burning eyes are issues that appear along with the burning eyes symptoms. These symptoms can be sneezing, runny nose, congestion, and more.

Once the symptoms have been diagnosed properly, it becomes easier for the eye care provider to create the best possible treatment method for the individual suffering from burning eyes symptoms.

Best Treatments for Burning Eye

All the information provided previously for eyes burning can help understand the definition of burning eyes. The answers to what causes burning eyes have also been explained in great detail. Also, the most commonly observed burning eyes symptoms have been understood to help an individual understand why are my eyes burning.

After due diagnosis by the eye care provider, a proper treatment method can be formulated to ensure minimal chance of a recurring issue of eyes burning. The following points are considered to be some of the best ways  that are helpful in the eye burning remedy:

  1. Cleaning with a gentle cleanser

When an individual is suffering from eyes burning issue, some relief can be provided by cleaning the base of the eyelids with a gentle cleanser. It is followed by patting the eyes dry.

  1. Lubricating eye drops

Another treatment that can help as an eye-burning remedy is lubricating eye drops that can reduce the redness and discomfort caused due to eye burning and its symptoms.

  1. Reduce contact with known irritants or allergens

Additionally, the issue of eyes burning can be minimized by reducing the chances of entering areas where the eyes can be affected due to irritants or allergens.

  1. Regular breaks from viewing digital screens

Long hours of exposure to digital screens like computers, mobile phones, and other gadgets can cause the issue of eyes burning. Therefore, taking regular breaks from looking at digital screens can help in reducing the chances of burning eyes occurring due to dryness and irritation.

  1. Anti-allergic medications

Another way anyone suffering from the issue of eyes burning can get relief is through anti-allergic medication. Medications like eye drops, ointments, and tablets can reduce the effects caused due to allergic reactions in the eyes.

  1. Wearing protective eyewear

Investing in a pair of eyewear that can protect the eyes from harmful UV rays can help reduce the chances of suffering caused due to the issue of eyes burning.  

Besides the above steps, eye care professionals can prescribe medicated eye drops or ointments to moisturize the eye surface. Also, any chronic condition that causes the eyes to dry out and cause a burning sensation can be reduced through surgery that places plugs into the tear ducts. Doing so helps reduce the chances of the eye’s surface drying out.


The information provided here is a great help in understanding what is burning eyes and its causes. Additionally, there has been an at-length discussion regarding the burning eyes symptoms and ways to reduce the chances of eyes burning. With all the information provided here, it becomes easier for anyone suffering from eyes burning to get medical help at the earliest.